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When Can Patients Sue a Hospital for Medical Malpractice?
When a hospital breaches their duty of care to a patient and the patient becomes injured or unwell as a result of this breach, the patient can sue the hospital for medical malpractice. In the tragic event someone dies because of a hospital’s medical malpractice, very often, the deceased’s remaining Read More…
What are Some Different Ways you can Adopt a Child?
There are many different ways to bring a child into your life and to establish a legal relationship with this new family member through adoption. In most states in the U.S., an adult can also adopt another adult as long as there is at least ten years difference between the Read More…
What do You Need to Know if You’re Considering a Prenuptial Agreement?
There are many things you should know about when considering whether or not a prenuptial agreement is right for you. Some of the more common considerations are discussed in the article below but the information here is general and will not apply to everyone’s situation. If you need legal advice Read More…
When Are you Liable for Another Person’s Driving in a Car Accident?
You can be liable for another person’s driving in a car accident in a variety of different driving scenarios. Typically, if there was a negligent driver involved in an accident, they are liable for expenses related to the accident they caused. Unfortunately though, sometimes someone else’s horribly negligent driving can Read More…
How Do You Expunge an Adult Criminal Record?
Every state is different but you can expunge an adult criminal record if you meet the qualifications for doing this and properly follow your states’ guidelines. If you are asking yourself this question, there is a good chance that you are an upstanding citizen that got into an anomaly of Read More…
What are the Consequences of a Hit and Run Accident?
The consequences of a hit and run accident can be very severe if you do not try to remedy your inappropriate actions right away. If you are asking this question, there is a good chance that you or someone you love is a victim of a hit and run; or Read More…