The aftermath of an accident is no easy ordeal. After experiencing a car collision, you’ll likely be injured and emotionally traumatized from the event, and it’s nothing you’ll get over in just a few hours or days. Even after those few days, things will most likely just get worse.
You’ll probably have to take time off from work to recover from your injuries, which means you and your family will lose out on income. Even the time you spend at home won’t be as enjoyable, since you likely wont be able to do many of the activities you used to enjoy before your injury. After all these challenges comes the next task: finding a personal injury lawyer. However, as a personal injury attorney from a law office like Law Education Center can explain, finding the right lawyer is no easy task.
There are so many personal injury lawyers, nowadays, and there are more new law firms every year – each vying for your attention and representation. With so many options, how can you figure out what lawyer is right for you? It’s important to choose wisely, because you want to find a lawyer that you can trust, and not all lawyers are the same.
Ask your friends: Sometimes the best word is “word of mouth.” If your friends had a good experience with a lawyer, odds are that your experience will be just the same. Instead of going through countless lawyers and potentially getting a dud, you can significantly improve your chances at a great lawyer by choosing through your friends who have involuntarily assisted in the process of elimination.
Read reviews: Reviews are a godsend. Even if your friends are a good help in themselves, sometimes it’s better to get a second opinion, or a third… With review sites like Yelp and AVVO you’ll get as many opinions as there are reviews. Often, you’ll learn specifics like a lawyer’s habits, how responsive they were, how smooth cases were, etc. People are also very apt to post about their bad experiences as well, and a good lawyer will try to reply to these negative reviews or reach out to the people who post them. It’s a great way to see how much a client’s satisfaction matters to the lawyer, and how they handle “undesirable” situations.
Ask for a consultation: After the first two options, the surest way to decide whether a lawyer is right for you is hands-on experience. Call up the attorney’s office and ask for a free consultation (most, if not all consultations are). The receptionist will likely ask for a very brief explanation of your case first to prepare the lawyer. When you arrive the day of, you’ll get to see first-hand what kind of person the attorney is, and you’ll be able to fully gauge whether or not they’ll be the right fit for you.