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Few Reasons Why You May Want To Consult With A Trustee
There are a few reasons why you may want to consult with a trustee. These are people who handle other’s assets for numerous reasons. You may need a trustee if you have questions about investments, estate planning, beneficiaries, charitable giving, and so much more. A trustee will have a list Read More…
Employment Law Update and Tip Pools
It feels like I just finished writing the last article and here I am at it again. Vaccines have been flying off the shelves around Montana, but the rate of vaccinations are slowing down tremendously. The number of new Covid cases are on a steep decline around the country and Read More…
What Should I Know Before Becoming a Surrogate?
The decision to become a surrogate is an exciting one. Knowing what to expect about the surrogacy process is vital prior to make the commitment to be a surrogate. There are elements of becoming a surrogate that you may not expect, such as the emotional challenges and nuances embedded in Read More…
Can I Make Modifications To A Child Custody Order?
Life naturally changes and evolves, and you should be able to change and evolve also. Your current child custody order should not hold you or your child back from making the natural changes that come with life. If the child custody order that is currently in place is no longer Read More…
Will Shared Custody Work for Me?
For decades, the standard child custody agreement for the majority of divorced couples was that the mother would have primary custody and the father would have a visitation schedule. Typically, that schedule would be every other weekend and one night a week. However, today’s families are different than past generations, Read More…
7 Steps To Prepare for Retirement
If the pandemic proved anything, it’s that life tends to get in the way of our plans — including retirement plans. Over the course of the pandemic, many people were forced to retire early, others decided they wanted to retire and still others opted to change their planned retirement date. Read More…
It’s Never Too Early To Think About The Future
Many individuals who draft a will feel secure in their estate planning efforts. However, a will only provides certain protections and direction regarding your estate. No matter the size of your estate, nothing can replace the counsel of an experienced estate planning lawyer. Estate Planning Considerations The need for a Read More…
What Happens When You Plead Insanity
We have all known about pleading insanity with regards to extreme criminal cases including murder, hijacking, or even battery. At the point when you think insanity, you naturally imagine that the respondent pleading this is insane or intellectually sick. At the point when respondents plead insanity, their guard is essentially Read More…
Dog Attacks Incidents Are Traumatic
Regardless of the degree or severity of the attack, dog bite incidents can prove to be traumatic events. Dog Bite Lawyers know how much emotional distress and physical damage can be involved and how difficult it may be to understand the situation from a legal standpoint. Dog laws specify what Read More…
Is it Hard to Prove a Personal Injury Case?
Sustaining an injury after an accident that was caused by another person, that person may be held liable under the law. The victim has the right to file a lawsuit against the negligent individual who caused them harm. A skilled personal injury lawyer should have extensive experience handling a variety Read More…