Violation of Rights
Everyone in this nation is entitled to certain rights. The loss of rights only comes when someone is convicted of a crime, and even then, sometimes those rights are earned back. If you feel your rights have been violated, you’re not alone. The following are some calls you should make when your rights are violated.
Contacting a Lawyer
Regardless of the situation you’re in, a lawyer could help you tremendously. Lawyers work on your behalf to help you get back the rights you have lost. Sometimes parental rights are violated, employment rights and other times civil rights. With the right lawyer on your side, you can fight for what you’re entitled to. When you call a lawyer, speak to him or her about your specific situation so you can find out whether he or she has experience with the issues you’re dealing with.
Contacting the Individual or Entity Who Violated Your Rights
Sometimes when rights are violated, it’s a simple case of oversight or a mistake. You may want to contact the individual or entity who you feel violated your rights. Perhaps there’s some paperwork that didn’t go through, or there’s been a case of mistaken identity. In any case, there’s a chance you could make the situation right again by going straight to the source. Keep in mind you don’t want to make the situation worse. To avoid that, you may want to have your lawyer by your side as you make this call. If the violation wasn’t a mistake, you could file a complaint with the entity.
Contacting the U.S. Department of Justice
Depending on the type of violation you’re experiencing, you can contact the U.S. Department of Justice to submit a report. If it’s a civil issue, the Civil Rights Division will step in to handle discrimination based on national origin, sexual orientation, race, familial status or other rights that have been lost. Again, having a discrimination lawyer such as Eric Siegel Law by your side is one of the best ways to ensure you complete the submission correctly and fully. If the violation is of a personal matter, such as a violation of child custody, you can contact the court or the local authorities.
Getting Started with Support
Unless you have been convicted of a serious crime, you are entitled to all the rights that everyone in the nation is entitled to. If those rights have been violated, contact a counselor or lawyer to discuss your situation in detail so you can start making progress at getting those rights back.